Networking. Education. Growth. Mentorship.

The purpose of our organization is to promote the professional development of women in the healthcare industry, to empower one another, support growth and mentorship, and support business through sharing successful techniques, leads, contacts, products and services. Our content is geared towards women in administration, operations and facilities and those who work with them. We provide content that furthers the individuals' knowledge of industry related fields and trends, enhances professional development tools and gives a forum for personal growth.

Mission & Values


The purpose of Women in Healthcare is to promote the professional development of women in the healthcare industry through networking, education, and mentorship. Through this community we empower one another, support growth and mentorship, provide education and support business through sharing successful techniques, leads, contacts, products and services.


Women in Healthcare provides programming needed to grow personally, in your career and in the healthcare community. We focus all the content we provide on the following tracks:

 // Mentorship
 // Education
 // Networking
 // Community
 // Self

We are committed to providing women in the healthcare industry with the community and tools needed to prosper and to allow them to have a seat at the table they want to be seated.

Who we serve:

Women in healthcare gears their content towards women who are interested in a management or leadership track within the healthcare environment. We are diverse mix of individuals varying in experience from students to c-suite.

National Vision:

For women to have a seat at the table where they want to be seated.

JEDI Commitment:

WIH creates a radically inclusive environment by recognizing the uniqueness of our diverse community and providing a forum where women can bring their whole selves; a place where all women feel seen, heard, valued and empowered.

We build meaningful relationships and develop partnerships and allies across the spectrum of healthcare that aligns with our mission and vision.


Want to hear more about Women in Healthcare and our mission?

Hear from our Founder, Ashley Schmidt, as she talks about how WIH started and our mission.

(Courtesy of the Women in Healthcare- Florida Chapter event, 2020)

Board Members

  • Kate Holliday


    Director, Healthcare Client Development, Terracon Consultants, Inc.

  • Rebecca Donner

    Vice President

    Principal, Inner Design Studio

  • Sarah Leedle


    Senior Property Manager, Anchor Healthcare Properties, Inc

  • Tiana Lemons


    Interior Design Studio Leader, Principal IIDA, NCIDQ, EDAC, TNRID, Orcutt Winslow

  • Heather Carlson

    Sponsorship Chair

    Associate Principal, Senior Interior Designer TMPartners

  • Lisa Quesenberry

    Communications Chair

    Product Strategies & Marketing Manager, SVP, Berkley Healthcare

  • Jennifer Little

    Communications Chair

    Marketing Coordinator, TLC Engineering

  • Monika Whittenburg

    Membership Chair

    Senior Interior Designer, Southeast Venture

  • Tina Key

    Membership Chair

    Practice Manager II, HCA Healthcare Physician Services Group

  • Rachel Mead

    Programs Chair

    Director, Program Assessment Corporate Ethics and Compliance, HCA

  • Cathy Kowalski

    Medical Advisor / Programs

    Chief Operating Officer, Lync Health Partners

  • Katie Radel

    Mentorship Chair

    Founder & CEO, Ripple Consulting Group

  • Jill Romano

    Mentorship Chair

    Senior Project Manager, Earl Swensson Associates (ESa)

  • Kim Kersey

    Programs Chair

    Placeholder Headshot
  • Joann Ettien

    Advisor – Health

    Interim Healthcare Executive/Consultant

  • Angela Mullins

    Logistics Chair

    Account Executive Tarkett