Founded in January 2020, Nashville is one of 21 Women in Healthcare chapters across the United States and Canada. Given Nashville’s longstanding connections to the healthcare market, it’s no surprise the chapter is the fastest-growing chapter in the history of Women in Healthcare. We plan for four in-person events per year as well as mentoring groups, virtual gatherings and connection to our sister chapters.
Nashville’s robust programming, virtual when it has to be, in person when we can, includes topics that encourage personal growth, both in careers and within the healthcare community. Previous programs include:

  • Annual State of Healthcare Program
  • Taking Your Career Pulse (June 2023)
  • Crossing Generations in Healthcare:  A Collaborative Learning Journey (April 2024)
  • Unintended Consequences: Navigating Gender Dynamics in the Workplace with Empathy
    And Understanding (June 2024)
  • The Landscape of Mental Health Now and Into the Future (Oct 2024)

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